Compelling, Consistent, and Credible Tearfund’s experience of measuring the impact of the church on holistic wellbeing through Church and Community Transformation (CCT) in low and middle income contexts

Main Article Content

Catriona Dejean
Charlotte Flowers
Kyle Hanna
Harrison Manyumwa
Rebecca Middleton
Emmanuel Murangira
Rachel Paton
Bethany Sikes


In 2022 Tearfund worked with an independent evaluation and social value specialist State of Life to measure the impact of the participatory church and community transformation (CCT) process across four countries in Africa, using a holistic wellbeing survey and pioneering an application of the WELLBY (wellbeing-adjusted life year) social value methodology in Africa for the first time. The cross-national study of almost 8,000 community members generated robust evidence of the positive and sustained impact of the CCT process, offering valuable insights for development actors and reinforcing the role of local churches as catalysts for community transformation. The study provides valuable insights for the development sector, showcasing the potential of locally-owned and church-driven initiatives in bringing about transformative and lasting change.

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How to Cite
Dejean, C., Flowers, C., Hanna, K., Manyumwa, H., Middleton, R., Murangira, E., Paton, R., & Sikes, B. (2024). Compelling, Consistent, and Credible: Tearfund’s experience of measuring the impact of the church on holistic wellbeing through Church and Community Transformation (CCT) in low and middle income contexts. Christian Relief, Development, and Advocacy: The Journal of the Accord Network, 5(2), 108–120. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Catriona Dejean, Tearfund

Catriona Dejean is the Director of Strategy and Impact at Tearfund, leading the organisation’s strategy, research and impact agendas. Catriona brings over 20 years’ experience across the private, public and NGO sectors in the UK, Latin America, Europe and Asia. She currently serves on the INTRAC Board.

Charlotte Flowers

Charlotte Flowers is Church and Community Transformation (CCT) Coordinator at Tearfund. Charlotte is a participatory development, monitoring & evaluation practitioner with over 10 years experience in the international development sector, and holds a Master's in Social Development Practice from UCL and a BA in Theology from the University of Oxford.

Kyle Hanna

Kyle Hanna is Head of Impact & Effectiveness at Tearfund.  Prior to  joining Tearfund in 2014, Kyle worked in Uganda and for a European network of NGOs advocating for social justice, and spent 10 years working in local government in the UK supporting community regeneration.  He has an MSc in Global Development from the Open University.

Harrison Manyumwa

Harrison Danai Manyumwa is a monitoring, evaluation and learning professional who has contributed to and overseen the design, implementation and management of multiple participatory and quasi-experimental researches in the development and humanitarian sectors across southern and east Africa. He was Tearfund's Southern and Eastern Africa Design, Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor until 2024 and holds a Master’s of Science degree in Agricultural and Applied Economics, awarded with distinction by the University of Zimbabwe.

Rebecca Middleton, Tearfund

Rebecca Middleton is Tearfund's Global Impact and Research Lead. Rebecca has a Master's in Development Studies (Research) from the LSE, and has experience in market research and consultancy, monitoring and evaluation, and programme management, including in the areas of international education, health and disability.

Emmanuel Murangira

Emmanuel Murangira is Tearfund's Country Director in Rwanda. He is a development economist and scholar with over 25 years of executive leadership in business, relief, and development. He has published a number of papers, co-authored research reports and co-edited a book in the fields of theology, politics and development.

Rachel Paton

Rachel Paton is a Research and Learning Analyst at Tearfund, working on evidence synthesis to support organisational learning and decision-making, and providing project management for key research studies.

Bethany Sikes

Bethany Sikes is an experienced researcher in the international development sector, passionate about the effective collection and sharing of evidence. In her role as Evidence Communications Officer at Tearfund, Bethany uses her interdisciplinary training to translate evidence of impact to different audiences. Prior to joining Tearfund, she managed large mixed-method evaluations and research studies.